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The Future Of The Earth

The future of the earth is in our hands, and not only in our hands but in our hearts, our spirits, and in the capacities that each one of us must contribute to the vast network of the light and the conscience of which we form part. This network includes each alive heart and makes it possible each one of us to make more than one contribution to all the life that our smaller art of the self-portrait would make us believe is possible. However, the truth is that each heart and each life make a difference in immense proportions with the results of what will be. For this reason, we must each one assume the responsibility for what we think and we feel and come to understand that it is only by purifying our emotions, thoughts, and bodies of energy that a new life for the earth can start and of new solutions are found with the problems of old man that attacked humanity and to continue to make thus.

The choice is with us and the possibilities are large. For in each heart there is a wish for peace and in each heart there is of distress to the pain of others as well as with our clean. However, our difficulty in the design of our own interconnectedness with others and our direction to be small rather than large can prevent the kind of alignment with the light which is necessary so much considerably today in order to bring the consciousness of humanity S to the next level of its expression.

Today, there is hope for the earth and for each soul who inhabits her sphere and it lies in this: that through the greater advent of light on earth we are becoming more aware of our inner relationship to each other and with our own souls, and out of this sense of interconnection shall grow an immediacy of love and of responsibility which no longer permits the divisions among groups and among nations that presently exists.

This love will display itself not only in outer action, but in inner knowledge, and not only in the wish to do good, but in the wish to become a representative and embodiment of that which is ultimately good, namely, God. This then, is the call to all nations – it is a call for people everywhere to meet the challenge and the opportunity of this pivotal time in human history with a sense of hope and of vision. It is a call to meet God’s heart from a place within our own that seeks the expression of our soul and the presence of a lasting peace.

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