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Know How to Lay a Decorative Brick Fence

Necessary accentuates should be added to a landscape area to promote its beauty. Decorative fences are one such additives which make the landscape area look more elegant. They elevate the colors and architectural features of the home. You have a wide range of choice for fencing your yard. Bricks, metal, or wood can be chosen for fencing. However, a decorative brick fence is considered to provide a classic look to the landscape.

miniature treesDecide the location where you wish to add the decorative brick fence. Mark the lines of the respective locations with a landscape spray paint. Then, dig a foundation of 6 inches deep between the two lines. The loose dirt on the bottom of the trench should be removed till it becomes firm and compact. Then, gravel should be poured into the trench with a depth of 3 inches. The gravel gives a solid base for the brick fence. It also allows underground water to pass beneath.Fairy gardens

Prepare the mortar mix with water in required consistency and spread it over the trench so that it is enough to lay four bricks. Two bricks should be miniature housesplaced on one end of the trench. In order to embed them half-way with the mortar, you can hit the bricks with a mallet. The bricks should be set by placing mortar adjacent to the bricks. Till the trench gets filled, you need to continue to set the first row or course of bricks. Then, another half inch layer of mortar should be spread on the layer of bricks. Then a second row of bricks should be built on it. You can build the brick wall till your desired height. Generally brick decorative fences are two feet tall. However, it is based on the design and feature of the landscape element.

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