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Environmental Wellness

The scope of environment is vast. Environment represents the immediate surroundings or society where you live. Here our discussion is confined to both surroundings as well as people and their impact on wellness.

Environmental wellness-What is it?
It pertains to cleanliness of areas in which you live. It is all about how to maintain hygienic conditions to stay from infections.

Causes of environment illness

  • First thing that comes to mind when you are unhealthy is dirty or uncleaned surroundings. Despite cleaning the house, we may sometimes get affected by diseases and infections.
  • Improper cleaning of vessels and households – Use of low quality products for washing and cleaning or improper method of washing may not eliminate all microbes that reside on vessels, leads to spread of contamination. Negligence to do things such as emptying trash bin may lead to many microbes get fed on that material and lead to contamination.
  • Improper use of lids – Most of us forget or do not cover food, vegetables and fruits with lid properly. Flies come and sit in food substances spreading diseases from one to other as they sit even on feces.
  • Limiting to your house – Apart from environmental wellness of your own, it is necessary that you pay equal attention to surroundings and their hygiene. Even if you maintain hygiene conditions within your house, infection may spread from outside too.
  • Society or people around – Apart from physical environment, people around you also has influence on your wellness, specially physical and emotional wellness. Make sure that you are in safe hands and have good relations. Healthy relations always promote success.

How to improve environmental wellness?
By making small changes and cultivating good habits, you can attain environmental wellness.

  • Maintain hygiene conditions – Cleanliness should start from your house and proceed to surroundings. Use high quality products to clean your house. Clean dustbins daily to get rid of flies.
  • Use sanitizers and disinfectants – Cleaning with water alone may not eliminate germs. Use sanitizers and disinfectants.
  • Cultivate good habits – Clean your hands before and after eating with sanitizers to make free from germs. Brush your teeth thrice a day, specially after dinner, because some food may retain in walls of mouth and teeth gums which give a chance of attack of some germs that lead to tooth decay, health problems.
  • Cover foods properly – Improper storing of foods give a way to many flies and mosquitoes to sit and contaminate the food. This is because we take the same food, it lead to food borne diseases as these flies carry microbes that can cause disease.
  • Avoid unhealthy relations – it is the way you interact with people that affects both physical and mental health. If you have friendly disposition and neglect things that bother you, it will reduce stress and have positive signs on health. If you are mentally healthy automatically you physical health will be fit.

Environmental wellness paves way to overall wellness. It is the footstep for overall well-being.

Updated: September 11, 2014 — 6:30 am

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