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All You Need to Know About Electric Cars

Electrical cars does not use fossil fuels and depend on electrical power for their operation. They do not emit harmful gases and are eco-friendly. The electrical power is catered with the help of batteries that propel the vehicle’s motors. The batteries can be charged at home with the help of power mains socket.

Features of an electrical car
In place of an engine, electrical motors are the main parts that provide the necessary force for the operation of the vehicle. The motors can be of two types namely DC motors or the AC motors. In any of the cases, power electronic techniques have to be employed to make the mains power suitable for battery charging and to make the battery power suitable for the operation of the vehicle.

The power supply of the mains is AC in nature, whereas batteries can be charged with the DC current. Solid state power electronic rectifiers are used to convert AC power into the DC current for charging of batteries.

After the batteries are charged, the stored power has to be supplied to motors for their operation. But the battery power has to be modified to suit the motor type and requirement. In case of AC motors being used, the DC power of batteries has to be converted into AC by using inverters and voltage step up has to be done to suit the motors. If they are DC motors, then certain modifications have to be done in the power quality with the help of choppers to suit the motor requirement.

Prospects for a cleaner future
The developments in the field of electronics have come as a major benefit for development of electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are quieter in operation and practically do not emit any exhaust gases. This comes as an advantage over conventional vehicles that emit harmful gases that pollute the environment and cause global warming. Though the size and capacity of the batteries is a major challenge in the domain of electric vehicles, extensive research is being done by the manufacturers to overcome the problem. Pretty soon we can expect to see an era of transportation with the means of electric vehicles.

Updated: February 15, 2016 — 12:59 am

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