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Models of Online Advertising

Online advertising is a method of adverting using internet as the main domain to provide or convey marketing promotional messages to consumers. It covers marketing by emails, search engine marketing and many types of display advertising such as mobile advertising and web banner advertising. Like in any other advertising media, online advertising often involves both a publisher and an advertiser. A publisher is one who merges advertisements and the online content and an advertiser is one who issues the advertisements to be displayed in the content of the publisher.

ad serverInternet has become an important and an effective medium for advertising and marketing and it is anticipated that the online advertising and marketing are soon going to replace the advertising through traditional medias such as television, radio, newspaper and magazines. Online advertising has become a business for the modern world because its potential for success is huge.

Models of Internet Advertising
Over few years many advertisement models have evolved over the internet. They include..
1. Banner Ads
ad servers for publishersBanner ad is a small, graphics link placed on a web page. The banner will be linked to the advertiser’s web pages, so that clicking on it transports the browser into the advertiser’s lair.
2. Corporate Websites
Corporate websites provide information about products and services to influence customers. There are many corporate websites serving variety of purposes.
3. Opt-Ins
This is and e-mail based advertising technique where users choose or opt to receive advertisements. An opt-in email contains information or commercial messages about products and services to customers.
4. Pop-Up Ads
A pop up add appears on a particular website the viewer will be using. When a person visits a website containing a pop-up ad, a separate window pops up and the advertisement will be displayed in the window.
5. Floating Ads
ad serversThese advertisements appear on the window the viewer will be using. These may stay on the window for a specified time of 10-30 seconds. Floating ads generally have escape options such as close or exit buttons.
6. Unicast Ads
Unicast ads are basically the reincarnation or new form of television ads in the internet environment. Unicast ads have the advantage of sound, picture, color and movement and are generally and mostly animated. These run like television commercials in a separate window.
7. Interstitial Ads
adservingThese are the ads which appear in between activities such as commercials ads during movies etc. These are full screen ads which covers the whole interface of the host app.

Advantages of Online Advertising
Wider ad Coverage
Online advertising gives ones ads a much wider global coverage and helps making them reach more audiences.
The main benefit of online advertising is that it is very much affordable and costs comparatively less that any other advertising media.
Ad servingOnline advertising method is faster than any other traditional advertising media. Online advertisements reach customers from worldwide in a much lesser time when compared to other advertising media.

Many of the consumers ignore or refuse to click on the commercial ads. Few even block the pop up ads so that they can view main content.
Too Many Options
There are many options from where a consumer can know about new products and services. So they get confused, easily change their mind go to another webpages and buy things.

Updated: February 18, 2021 — 6:02 am

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