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Q4 Of 2011 Internet Ad Revenue Top with $14.87B: China

Search engine strategies confess that the search engines getting good popularity to increasing its growth value. Searchers behavior SES China did research on what the Chines searchers actually looking for and how they are behave with search engines. This research results found many behavioral changes in Chinese internet searchers.

It impacts the Chinese business promotional behaviors, according to reports of Efodesk commercial information research. The China market received good online advertisement revenue.

China online advertisement topped at the end of the first quarter, 2011 it reported $14.87 billion with 6.4% quarter on quarter and 52.9% year on year growth.

As per the SES reports on Chinese Internet usage purposes, 93% of the people use the Internet for reading news, 69% of people for email checking, 63% of people for search engine information and 63% people search for products or services.

AdserverOnline advertisement spending is likely to increase more in China. Online promotional revenue is increasing along with the seasonal benefits and advertisement behavioral changes.

Online advertisement gradually increasing the market share, online advertisements like video advertisements, interactive advertisements, product placement advertisements are boosting the market share.

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