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Advanced Methods of Anesthesia in Dental Surgery

Before any surgery, anesthesia is given to reduce the sensitivity to pain. Administration of anesthesia produces some discomfort to patients. To avoid the discomfort, advanced methods of anesthesia in dental surgeries have come into existence.

In this article we will discuss about the advanced methods of anesthesia, how it works and its advantages.

Computer generated anesthesia: This is one of the methods. Normally pain at the time of injection is mainly due to the pressure created by the liquid on the nerves. These technique reduces the pain by inducing the anesthesia slowly. It is a device which contains two parts. One is a computer and another is a pen like device connected to the computer.

    • How it works?

Initially a topical local anesthesia is given at the site to numb the area. Then a pen like device is placed at the site of injection and it connects to the computer with a tube and flow of anesthesia is controlled on the computer. This takes one minute to anesthetize the area.

  • Advantages:
    • No pain during induction of anesthesia
    • Accurate amounts of anesthesia can be delivered
    • Easy to handle

Vibrajets: Vibrajets are battery operated device attached to the needle. This is used to deliver local anesthesia without any pain. It is one of the advanced methods to deliver anesthesia without inducing pain.

    • How it works?

A battery attached to the needle produces slight vibrations during delivering of anesthesia. This stimulates the nerve ending and blocks the impulses to reach the brain.

  • Advantages:
    • No pain while inducing anesthesia
    • Onset of action is very fast.

Electronic dental anesthesia: Electronic dental anesthesia consist of a battery powered device connected to a control unit. This produces low voltage current that blocks the nerves to reach the pain signals to brain.

    • How it works?

In this method two small pieces of sponges are placed at the site of surgery. These sponges connects to the control box where patient can control the level of anesthesia. In this no anesthesia is used to anesthetize the area. The low voltage produced by the battery, blocks the nerve to transmit impulses to brain.

  • Advantages:
    • Safe and reliable
    • No anesthetic agent is used
    • No allergic reactions
    • Level of anesthesia can be controlled

Most of the dentists prefer the above mentioned anesthesia because they are much better than the traditional ones.

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