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Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants are important procedure to improve the functionality of teeth, etc. Dental implants have certain advantages and disadvantages. This article discusses them briefly.

Following are six advantages of dental implants.

1. Better function of mouth
Functioning of implanted tooth is similar to your natural teeth. Jaws and teeth work as if they are normal. You can eat hard foods as you like. Your teeth and jaw can chew and bite food in a better way than before.

2. Can eat all types of food
If you have missing teeth, you are unable to eat certain foods because chewing and biting becomes difficult. With the help of implanted tooth, you can eat all types of food including hard food.

3. Improved oral hygiene
Having dental implants, it is easier to clean the teeth by brushing and flossing as is the case with with natural teeth. There is no risk of implanted tooth getting damaged as it is in case of dentures and bridges.

4. Appearance of face improves
With loss of tooth or teeth, muscles of face sag and it gives an aging look. Dental implants produce new bone tissue as a result of making the jaw bone strong and thick, which leads to better functionality of facial muscles. Dental implants give a younger look in terms of appearance.

5. Durable
Implanted tooth last longer. The implants last for years or even for a lifetime if you take care of them properly.

6. Comfortable and is convenient
The impression implanted teeth is same as with the natural tooth. These implants give comfort in terms of eating, caring, etc. People around you may not differentiate between natural and implanted tooth.

Dental implants are convenient as you need not worry about the tooth getting loose, changing position or falling from your mouth. There is no problem of removing and replacing as done in case of dentures.

There are three disadvantages of dental implants.

1. Implants are costly
Dental implants involve huge expenses. They are more expensive when compared to other treatments such as dentures or bridges.

2. Lengthy procedure
Dental implants are time-consuming as there are two surgeries, which need to heel before going to place the implants. You need at least three months for the surgeries to heal. Thus, the whole procedure might last up to 6-9 months depending on the condition of jaw.

3. Involves surgeries
A thought of surgery is scary for some people. As it is a surgical process, it involves bleeding, swelling, pain, etc. It is because this reason that few people opt for dental implants.

As there are advantages of implanted teeth, so are disadvantages too. If you are opting for dental implants, make sure to discuss with the dentist the pros and cons before you undergo the procedure.

Updated: March 20, 2017 — 3:22 am

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